
TCD Offers Hope for Children with Sickle Cell Disease


Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder in which individuals produce only abnormal hemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to the body. Under conditions of stress, this hemoglobin distorts the shape of red blood cells and leads to irreversible sickling. These sickled cells can occlude the microvasculature which results in the wide range of clinical symptoms seen in SCD.

More than 75% of the global burden of SCD occurs in sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 1.03 million children are afflicted. Scarce health resources contribute to high early mortality rates: an estimated 50%-90% of infants born with SCD in Africa die before their fifth birthday.1

Fill out the form to learn more about how Dr. Nicole O’Brien and Nationwide Children’s Hospital are using TCD to help treat SCD.

  1. McGann, P. T., Hernandez, A. G., & Ware, R. E. (2017). Sickle cell anemia in sub-Saharan Africa: advancing the clinical paradigm through partnerships and research. Blood, 129(2), 155–161.

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